Preventative Pest Control for Leyland Cyprus Tree Pests

by on February 29, 2012

Insect activity is a serious problem for Leyland Cyprus trees, according to Novi pest control experts. Because this tree is a conifer and not a deciduous tree, it makes it an uninviting host for most insects. However, it is not altogether out of harm’s way when it comes to insects. Bagworms and spider mites are two of the most menacing bugs. Their presence can cause discoloration, defoliation and sometimes even death if they are left untreated and allowed to continually feed and breed on and within the Leyland Cypruss.

Bagworms are a real problem because with each generation, the infestation becomes larger and larger. A female bagworm lays between 500 and 1,000 eggs before she dies. When the bagworm larvae emerge, they either remain on the host tree or they will spin a silken thread and “fly” to a nearby tree or plant. Because of their ability to transfer to other plants, bagworms not only pose a threat to the Leyland Cyprus, but to all nearby trees and shrubs. Unfortunately, only a few generations of bagworms can annihilate an entire landscape. While the larvae cocoon in the bags they create, they feed on the surface of the leaves, stripping the leaf of its epidermis, or the skin of the leaf.

As they develop into caterpillars, entire branches of the Leyland Cyprus can become completely defoliated. Pest control experts say it is easier to control bagworm infestations by manually removing the bags they form in the early spring or fall before the larvae have hatched. However, if the Leyland Cyprus is too large for this to take place, the tree can be sprayed with an effective insecticide to eliminate current populations. If the bagworms have already hatched, they are more difficult to control with sprays, which makes preventative care so important.

Call your local Novi pest control authority for more information on protecting the Leyland Cyprus from bagworms.

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